by Roopa

Youthful Living, Wellness, Health, Vitality, Happiness

Hello Everyone !!!

This is a blog on Youthful Living, Energy, Vitality, Wellness, Happiness, and more.

The Road Well Taken!

Robert Frost, in his poem The Road Not Taken, speaks of the choices one has when faced with a fork in the road.

So there is a road you take, and one that you don’t take.

You can take the first road or the one that ‘appears’ less travelled.

Is that choice going to make a difference? Yes, it will.

Was that the right choice? Perhaps. Who can say ?!

It was the best choice you could make at that moment, at that time.

Should I have chosen the other road instead?

What if I had taken the road that I didn’t take?

Ha ha.

You can go on forever !!

This blog is about The Road Well Taken !

Nothing ambiguous about it.

You choose consciously to go along this road that leads to living life in the best way possible, with a smile, laughter, a sense of well-being, with energy.

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